Venus and the Crescent Moon

On my walk home today, I was struck by the sight of the sliver of moon and Venus rising in the evening sky. It's getting dark so early here now and the chill is setting in. Cold in Vancouver isn't cold like the rest of Canada but it is bone chilling. Considering the amazingly dry Autumn we have been blessed with, I anticipate the long months of rain ahead. Living in a rain forest is like living in a cave of clouds.

Dark of the moon is always so nice; time to put forth desires and manifest. I was lucky this New Moon to sign a lease on an artist studio to set up as a jeweller. This development is making me feel very excited and a little anxious. As I put more pressure on myself to solidify my career path and related projects, I also feel my insecurities crop up.

I did a little three card reading on the New Moon with my Wild Unknown deck (below). It is always nice to see the 4 of Wands in a reading, especially after Death and the 5 of Cups! It's one of my favourite cards. I always think of Wands as passion and inspiration and the fours as stability = passion in stability. So even though drastic changes are in the recent past (Death) and melancholy is in the present (5 of Cups), there is a bright future. I am looking forward to Solstice plans and a little break from school…

Death, 5 of Cups, 4 of Wands